M/S Kedarnathji Motiwale, FOUNDER OF 365 DAYS SERVICE, RECEIVED "ALL INDIA ACHIEVERS' AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE" Kedarnathji Motiwale, the Bonafide Gem of India" has grown up amidst pearls & jewellery. "M/s.KEDARNATHJI MOTIWALE JEWELLERS has been awarded GOS (Guarantee of Satisfaction) and Certificate of Appreciation by AMERICAN EXPRESS". M/S Kedarnathji Motiwale, wants to maintain their business with Goodwill and Reputation. In fact, there were many cases of cheating by many spurious fake dealers who duped people into buying duplicate & inferior varieties by passing them as high grade pearls & jewellery. People should be careful about such fakes insists M/S Kedarnathji Motiwale. People therefore should choose a reputed shop that guarantees for it's wares. M/S Kedarnathji Motiwale is proud that they received "Navratna Udyog Shree Award" for "Quality Assurance & Consistence of Spectacular International Standards" from the PRESIDENT OF INDIA and U.N.O." The above has been quoted by S E A S O N S G R E E T I N G S |
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